Employee Screen

Use this screen to view, add, or modify the employee information.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
File This options allows you to select Save and New, Save and Close, and Close.
Save and New Selecting this option saves the information, closes the screen, and opens a new Untitled - Employee screen.
Save and Close This option saves the information and closes the screen.
Actions There are no options available.
Help Launches the Online Help.
First Name
Last Name
The First Name and Last Name fields are required.
Display Name Enter a display (alias) name if different.
Enter the employee home address information.
Active This employee is currently employed. Select this option to activate/deactivate the employee.
Estimator This employee is an Estimator. Select this option if appropriate.
Phone Numbers Enter the phone number information in these fields. Use the up/down arrows to move the selected phone number in the list. The top phone number is primary.
Home Location Select the location from this droplist where the employee is based.
Available Locations This field contains the list of available locations. Select a location from this list, and then click the right arrow to move your selection to the Assigned Locations field.
Assigned Locations This field contains the list of assigned locations for the employee. Select a location from this list, and then click the left arrow to move your selection to the Available Locations field.
Name Enter the emergency contact name.
Relationship Select the type of relationship from the droplist.
Phone Numbers Enter the phone number information in these fields. Use the up/down arrows to move the selected phone number in the list. The top phone number is primary.
Primary E-mail Enter the employee e-mail address.
Employee ID This ID is the number you assign to the employee.
Tax Payer ID This is the government issued taxpayer ID.
Date of Birth Enter the employee date of birth, or select it from the calendar icon.
Hire Date Enter the employee hire date, or select it from the calendar icon.
Termination Date Enter the employee termination date, or select it from the calendar icon.
Driver's License This is the state license number and the state droplist.
Gender Select the appropriate choice from the droplist.
Estimator License Number This is the state issued license where applicable.

See Also

Adding an Employee

Adding an Employee Using Express Setup

Editing an Employee Record







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